Who are we Primary Duties Where can I find...? End of Shift Stuff How to... Daily Schedule Ambulation Map Lift Equipment

Who are we

The advanced heart failure unit is a mixed IMC/LCC unit. That just means that we are able to take patients who are normally med-surg, intermediate care, or, occasionally, low critical care. We have a few specialties on our unit. These are pulmonary hypertension, heart transplants, and LVAD patients. We accept other patients, but these are our priority patients as they cannot receive the care that we offer on other units.

Because most of our patient population is in heart failure, there are some patterns that you will begin to see over time. We place a large focus on education for our patients about their diets. Most of us should avoid getting too much salt in our diets and even more so for our heart failure patients as it can cause them to retain excess fluid in their bodies. Hand in hand with this are fluid restrictions that many of our patients should abide by to, again, mitigate fluid retention. Remember to check on your patients intake and output every shift and to document everything so that everyone is on the same page with fluids!

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Primary duties

As a care partner, our duties are pretty straightforward. Time will likely be the biggest issue to manage, but we work as a team and you can always feel free to ask a coworker if they can help you if you get behind.

Where can I find...?

Lists some of the locations of common items you might need on our unit

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End of shift tasks

At the end of your shift, there are a handful of things that need to be taken care of before you leave. They don't have to be done right at shift change, but make sure to set your next shift up for success by making sure they have everything they need to start working

  1. Give report if there is a care partner taking over for day shift
  2. Refill the clean linen cart
  3. Empty the dirty linens into the chute
  4. Restock the wipes warmers
  5. Perform quality control on the glucometers
  6. Make sure no patients have telemetry batteries on red
  7. Leave your unit phone on top of the shredder or hand it off to the oncoming shift
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How to...

Daily Schedule

Here is an idea of what your day might look like when you are on the floor.

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Ambulation Map

Ambulation distance map of the floor back to the top

Lift Equipment Videos

Sara Stedy

Sara Plus

Maxi Move


Curbell Chair Alarm

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